We were made for community. We need each other. We are better together. Jesus even modeled what it looked like to be in community. That is why you might hear it said, "Nobody does the mission alone." As followers of Jesus, and those leaning into what it means to follow Jesus, taking time to connect with one another to learn, grow, and encourage each other is essential for living a life that is People Becoming the Church. It's not always easy to make time for community but it is ALWAYS worth it. Here are a few different ideas of ways to gather with others. Grab a couple people and jump in!





Follow along with the weekly messages in your group by diving into key takeaways and discussion questions that foster leaning into next steps of how the message can be lived out and applied day to day.

(There are resource guides to facilitate safe and engaging connection and conversation for message based groups.)


Are you looking to connect and grow with other who are in a similar life stage? Young marrieds, single, mens, womens, or maybe empty nesters? Investing time in group with others in a similar stage of life can foster great support and connection. With a ton of Jesus-centric tools to lean into, the opportunities for these groups is endless!



Similar to life stage groups are those who have specific hobbies that make it fun and easy to connect with others. Walking, knitting, bike riding, baking... So many ways to gather with others to practice the ways of Jesus in community around an activity. Based on the type of activity you prefer you can also search this link to find or guide local ADVENTURES.


A great way to learn more Scripture or have some encouragement to not only read that book you have been meaning to, but really engage in the content, is to join or guide a study! Whether it is a Book of the Bible, a topic found in Scripture, or a faith building book, grab a couple of people and explore it together! The depth of conversation is endless. There are some great resources available based on the book being covered so reach out and the team will help!



Immerse yourself into the words and ways of Jesus and then practice them in your everyday as you help heal the world!